Carles Singla and Irene Da Rocha recently gave a paper entitled “Adapting Journalism Education to the dynamics of the profession: New formats, practices and skills” at the international conference “Communication Programs in Search for Identity”, organized by ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), Journalism and Communication Education working group.

The conference was held at Trier University. At the round table session dedicated to “What we are facing: International perspectives on challenges to journalism education”, Da Rocha made it clear that those involved in the teaching of journalism have to face the challenge of adapting its curriculum to the new dynamics of media convergence and demand greater research regarding the teaching of media convergence in the classroom. Da Rocha was joined at the table by Natalia Makarova and Veronika Yarnykh from the Russian State University for the Humanities and Michael Harnischmacher from the University of Trier. ECREA is the most important forum for communication research and education in Europe. All activities within ECREA are developed and organised to serve the community, enhance the quality of communication research and higher education, provide opportunities to exchange, share and collaborate, and to promote the interests of communication scholars.
Irene Da Rocha